Maple syrup season is here in Connecticut! The state ranks tenth in maple syrup production. The season, where trees are tapped, and sap is collected and then boiled down by sugarmakers, runs from early February to late March, when the nights are still cold but the days are sunny and warmer. Making syrup is an intensive process requiring strict standards of heating and filtering to maintain purity. Find out more about maple syrup production, or how to learn how to make your own on the Maple Syrup Producers Association of Connecticut website.
This coming weekend is the Hebron Maple Festival, celebrating it's 25th anniversary! Learn how maple syrup is made, take a tour, see some demonstrations, and stock up on a variety of maple-related products, all produced here in the state. There will be activities for the kids, treats to taste, crafts, and other fun activities. The Hope Valley, Wenzel, Woody Acres, and Winding Brook Sugar Houses will all be participating.
Connecticut has sugar houses in all of its counties. For more information, and to find a sugar house near you, click here, or check out the Maple Syrup section on the CT Department of Agriculture website

How I adore our local maple syrups!